Fragment has built-in effects (and custom effects with Faust) but effects can be built from the canvas as well by applying process such as demonstrated here.
Audio effects can also be added outside Fragment from a DAW etc.
// Sample program : additive synthesis with MIDI and delay effect
// MIDI input should be enabled by going into 'SETTINGS' (Jack plug icon)
// generic ADSR envelope; can go into 'my library' if you use this example in 'main' script
float adsr(float t, vec4 v, float s) {
v.xyw = max(vec3(2.2e-05), v.xyw);
float ta = t/v.x;
float td = max(s, 1.0-(t-v.x)*(1.0-s)/v.y);
float tr = (1.0 - max(0.0,t-(v.x+v.y+v.z))/v.w);
return max(0.0, min(ta, tr*td));
void main () {
float l = 0., r = 0.;
float attenuation_constant = 1.95;
const float harmonics = 2.;
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k += 2) {
vec4 data = keyboard[k];
vec4 data2 = keyboard[k + 1];
float kfrq = data.x; // frequency
float kvel = data.y; // velocity
float ktim = data.z; // elapsed time
float kchn = data.w; // channel
float kpth = data2.x; // pitch
float ktmb = data2.y; // timbre
float kpre = data2.z; // pressure
float krel = data2.w; // release velocity
kfrq += kpth * 10.;
if (kfrq == 0.) {
for (float i = 1.; i < harmonics; i += 1.) {
// the delay line with 4 repeat
for (float j = 1.; j < 4.; j += 1.) {
// core delay parameter, 4 repeat by offseting time
float delay = ktim - ((j - 1.) / 4.);
// a delay parameter which will be used to apply small amount of difference to release envelope between delay
float delay_parameter = j / 2.;
float a = 1. / pow(i, attenuation_constant + abs(sin(delay / 18. / i - j / 2.) / 3.1415 * 8.));
// notice how the envelope is divided by the repeats so that each "echo" are quieter
float env_l = adsr(delay, vec4(2.75 * (harmonics - i * 2.), 0.05, 0., .25 + delay_parameter), 0.75) / j;
float env_r = adsr(delay, vec4(2.75 * (harmonics - i * 2.), 0.05, 0., .25 + delay_parameter), 0.75) / j;
l += fline(kfrq * i) * a * kvel * env_l;
r += fline(kfrq * i) * a * kvel * env_r;
synthOutput = vec4(l, r, 0., 0.);
fragColor = vec4(l, r, 0., 1.);